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Frequently Asked Questions

What is aquamarine, and why is it popular in rings?

Aquamarine is a blue to blue-green gemstone from the beryl family, known for its exceptional clarity and captivating colour. It is popular in rings due to its beautiful hue, which evokes the calming essence of the sea, and its symbolism of tranquillity, courage, and communication.

How durable is aquamarine for everyday wear?

Aquamarine has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively durable for everyday wear. However, like all gemstones, it should be treated with care to avoid scratches and chips. It’s advisable to remove aquamarine rings during activities that might expose them to harsh impacts or chemicals.

How should I care for my aquamarine ring?

To maintain the beauty of your aquamarine ring, clean it regularly with warm soapy water and a soft brush. Avoid exposing the stone to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures. Store your ring in a soft cloth or jewellery box to prevent scratches and damage when not in use.

Are there any special meanings or symbolism associated with aquamarine?

Aquamarine is often associated with the sea and is believed to bring tranquillity, calmness, and clarity. Historically, it was thought to be the treasure of mermaids and was used by sailors as a talisman for good luck and protection. It is also the birthstone for March and a traditional gift for the 19th wedding anniversary.

Ernesto Buono Fine Jewellery

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